Voxon Photonic의 유사 홀로그램 https://voxon.co/ Home - Voxon Photonics Need some images or video? Contact us for the latest, greatest, coolest 3D volumetric images or download our media kit from our community page... voxon.co Voxon Photonic https://youtu.be/T3u9SoPjmJE SDK, 유니티 플러그인, 미디어키트, 비디오튜토리얼 https://voxon.co/community/ Community / Developers - Voxon Photonics In a world where digital has become..
홀로그램과 유사 홀로그램의 종류, 레퍼런스 홀로그램 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holography https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%ED%99%80%EB%A1%9C%EA%B7%B8%EB%9E%98%ED%94%BC 유사 홀로그램의 종류 Pepper's ghost https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepper%27s_ghost Pepper's ghost - Wikipedia Illusion technique Stage setup for Pepper's Ghost. A brightly lit figure out of the audience's sight below the stage is reflected in a pane of glass pl..