해외 게임 행사 및 페스티벌 목록 IGF, independent games festival(인디펜던트 게임 페스티벌) 세계 최대 인디게임 페스티벌 https://igf.com/ Independent Games Festival - The Premier Indie Game Showcase and Competition The Independent Games Festival (IGF) was established in 1998 to encourage innovation in game development and to recognize the best independent game developers. igf.com https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_Games_Festiv..
게임 분야 페스티벌 및 행사 G-STAR https://www.gstar.or.kr/ G-STAR 2021 www.gstar.or.kr play x4 https://www.playx4.or.kr/intro/intro.php 2021 플레이엑스포(PlayX4) 2021년 수도권 최대 규모 종합 게임쇼 www.playx4.or.kr independent games festival https://igf.com/ Independent Games Festival - The Premier Indie Game Showcase and Competition The Independent Games Festival (IGF) was established in 1998 to encourage innovation in game..